Contributed by Rhea Powell (Year 6)

Title: Up and Only Up OR On the mark! Ready! Go!

I was inspired by an image Associated with Black Lives Matter on social media and developed this further. The painting is split to provide a contrast of the rough journey being transported across the sea from Africa in chains that has been like an anchor keeping us down then to rising into more vibrant energy to break the chains in bright colours.

Contributed by Mrs Fran Walsh

Artwork Connections

Lubaina Himid wants to tell us beautiful stories about
friendship and strength.

Over many years artist Lubaina Himid has created scenes of women together, painting the people that she believes have been left out of art history, explaining ‘there was only one story and ... the black woman never spoke’.

She says ‘I make scruffy drawings on envelopes and scraps of paper. I experiment to find the right surface upon which to paint, this could be anything from wooden furniture to plates or canvas and paper’.

Think about the stories you know and the characters you love.

Can you draw or write a story about a close friend or a family member?

Find any scrap of paper or material to say something about love, friendship and strength.

Perhaps you could place this somewhere, hidden away, tied to a tree, or send it to the person whose story it is.