Please read all of the following information. In your Joining Pack there is a form requiring your signature to confirm you have read and consent to the following:

Child's First Name *
Child's Surname *
Date of Birth *


In accordance with the School Nurses’ professional obligations, medical information about pupils, regardless of their age, will remain confidential in most circumstances. However, there may be exceptions to this rule where the School Nurse considers it in the pupil’s best medical interest, or necessary for the protection of the wider school community, to pass on information to a relevant person eg. a member of the Senior Management Team at the school. The pupil (or the parent of the pupil) will be informed of such circumstances if they arise.

I acknowledge the above policy on confidentiality. I also agree that the information on the Medical Information Form shall be held by the School/School Nurse as my child’s School Medical Record and that relevant information may be passed to staff to inform them of any medical condition that may affect my child during the school day to enable them to act in his/her best interest.

I have completed the above form to the best of my knowledge and I undertake to report to the school nurse in writing any changes in my child’s health or dietary requirements during the course of the academic year.

I/we have read the above information *

Anaesthetic Consent

I hereby authorise the Headteacher of Orley Farm School or their Deputy to sign the ‘consent for operation’ form for my child should the need arise.

We will always try to contact parents in the first instance.

I /we have read the above information and hereby authorise the Headteacher of Orley Farm School or their Deputy to sign the ‘consent for operation’ form for my child. *

Medical /First Aid Consent

I hereby consent for my child to receive medical/first aid treatment.

I will keep nurses up to date with any changes in my child's treatment or medication.

I consent to medical and first aid treatment being given and will keep the nurses up to date with any changes in my child's treatment and medication. *

Responsible Use of the Internet

As part of the pupils’ development of ICT skills, and general research skills, the school provides fast, filtered access to the Internet. Pupils are able to us electronic mail and research information from museums, libraries and suitable websites as part of their programme of learning. Although there have been concerns about pupils having access to undesirable material, our Internet access is provided by an educational supplier which operates a sophisticated filtering system and restricts assess to inappropriate materials. In addition, we monitor and log sites visited by students. This alerts us should any student try to access inappropriate sites. In such an event they would be locked out of the network. This would be followed up by staff and if necessary parents informed. School rules for responsible Internet are published, displayed around the school, reproduced on this page and also in each child's Pupil Planner alongside the agreement to "Use the Internet Responsibly" which children in Year 3 and above sign each year. Before allowing pupils unsupervised access to the internet, the school wishes to obtain parental permission and an agreement from them that they accept the school rules in its usage. As evidence of your approval and your child’s agreement, please discuss the rules with them.


1. I will only access the system with my own user name and password.

2. I will only use the Internet for school work.

3. I will ask before I print pages of information.

4. I will only e-mail people known to me, or approved of by my teacher.

5. The messages I send will be polite and responsible.

6. I will not enter chat rooms or net-working sites at school

7. I understand that the school will monitor the Internet sites I try to visit.

I /We have read the above information and will ask my/our child to follow the rules accordingly. *

Consent for School Trips and Other Off-Site Activities

From time to time, during each academic year, your child will have the opportunity to visit a variety of places of interest during the school day, both to support their learning and to meet the requirements of the curriculum.  As well as the opportunity for children to participate in sporting activities outside of the school day and/or off the school site,   Years 3 to 8 also participate in 'Exped Week' which may include residential trips that take place in the Summer Term of each academic year.

Please sign the form below if you are happy for your above named child to:

  • Take part in school trips and other activities that take place off school premises; and
  • Be given first aid or urgent medical treatment during any school trip or activity.

Please note the following important information:

The trips and activities covered by this Consent Form include:

  • All visits, including residential trips, which take place during the school day, school holidays or a weekend; 
  • Adventure activities at any time; and
  • Off-site sporting activities.    

The school will send you information about each trip or activity before it takes place.

You can, if you wish, inform the school that you do not want your child to participate in any particular school trip or activity.

School trips and other off-site activities will always be under the supervision of an appropriately qualified member of staff.

Written parental consent will not be requested from you for the majority of off-site activities offered by the school as such activities are part of the school's curriculum and usually take place during the school day.

I understand all reasonable care will be taken of my child during any visit. 

I understand my child will be under an obligation to obey all instructions and observe all the rules provided. 

I have completed the Medical Information Form and will ensure the school is fully aware of any medical conditions or physical disabilities as or when they arise and ensure the correct medication is provided.

I/we confirm we have read the above information and provide consent *

Please leave the next box blank or your submission will not be accepted: